Biomedical Engineering
We specialise in providing the right equipment for Low to Middle-Income Countries. We provide healthcare support for small and large organisations; from a consultancy stage through procurement, logistics, installation, training and after-care.
Hello from the CEO
Introduction Video
Complete Online Biomedical Engineering Programme
Course fee: £1,800 per student, plus freight (volume discounts apply)
Our well-established, proven online Biomedical Engineering Programme can be accessed around the world and allows Biomedical Engineers to learn the necessary skills and knowledge to improve patient care.
Hear what our students have to say about the course
The Medaid course gave us a whole
different perspective.
- Josephine
Assistant Biomedical Engineer and Medical Planner
Student Testimony
The Programme Includes:
Unit 0: Health and Safety
Unit 1: The Frequency Spectrum
Unit 2: Electrical Safety
Unit 3: Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Unit 4: Defibrillation
Unit 5: Patient Monitoring
Unit 6: Infusion Devices
Unit 7: Premature Baby Incubators (PBIs)
Unit 8: Ultrasound
Unit 9: Surgical Diathermy
Unit 10: Hygiene Guidelines
Unit 11a: Anaesthetics, Oxygen and Suction Devices
Unit 11b: The Operating Department and Sterilisation
Unit 12: First Aid
Unit 13: Train the Trainer
The Benefits

- Comprehensive professional tool kit included
- The programme recognises the unique needs of LMICs and is written by a team with extensive experience working in this field
- City & Guilds Assured
- Course fee includes additional textbooks
- Available in both English and French
- Opportunity to purchase additional Biomedical Engineering test equipment at discounted prices
- Optional computer can be supplied
- Library of maintenance manuals supplied
- COVID-19 guidance across all subject areas
New Course Packages!
Complete Online Biomedical Engineering Programme
Course fee: £650 per student, plus freight (volume discounts apply)
In order for our course to reach the widest possible audience we have created two new, affordable options to meet this need. The above option comes with a simplified toolkit (see photo), digital library of service manuals, and some commonly used fuses (which make up a surprisingly large portion of medical equipment repairs).
We also offer the programme as an online content only package for a reduced fee.
Online Content Only Biomedical Engineering Programme
Course fee: £450 per student (volume discounts apply)

The simplified biomedical engineering toolkit.
Research project into the programme
“The feedback on the course has been incredible… all the interviewees have been eager to share anecdotes about their experiences working in low resource hospitals, how formal university education is not preparing them for their roles in the hospital, and how challenging it is to provide user-training to hospital staff when they themselves have never been trained on the equipment…
[There is a] significant role Medical Aid International is playing by providing a course that fills the void left by insufficient local education and the minimal to no after-sales support. “
- Emily Spessert
MSC Student

View our data analysis into the effectiveness of the Biomedical Engineering Course
Our in-depth report into how our students perform during the course and how it is helping patient care in hospitals across the globe.

Reporting Tools Overview
Reporting Tools
You can also track the progress of your students whilst they are taking the course.
This allows you to:
- Demonstrate to funders the value their funding provides
- Keep group leaders updated on students’ performance
- Identify areas where students need extra help
Read our student selection criteria guide
A great starting point that assists with the selection of appropriate students for the course. It provides information on who is suitable for the course, beneficial personal characteristics, as well as a guideline application process.